제5호 태풍 독수리가 중국 베이징에 상륙
기록적인 폭우가 쏟아지면서 최소 20명이 숨지고 27명이 실종
1일 중국중앙TV(CCTV)에 따르면 베이징시 홍수·가뭄 대응 지휘부는 1일 오전 6시(현지시간) 기준 구조 작업에 투입됐던 소방대원과 공산당 간부 2명을 포함해 모두 11명이 숨졌다고 밝혔다.
중국 베이징 폭우 피해 현장을 중국 관영매체와 SNS 반응을 모아본다.
Witness the impact of Typhoon #Doksuri as it made landfall in SE China's Fujian on Friday, unleashing powerful winds and heavy rainfall. pic.twitter.com/RBQPVFxa9L
— People's Daily, China (@PDChina) July 28, 2023
5호 태풍 독수리는 지난달 28일 중국 동남부 저장(浙强)성에 상륙한 뒤 동부 해안을 따라 최고 초속 50m의 빠른 속도로 북상했다. 29일 오전 북서쪽 더 깊은 내륙으로 이동하면서 안후이(安徽)성에서 열대저기압으로 약화됐지만, 태풍이 몰고 온 수증기로 그 이후로도 베이징을 중심으로 한 수도권에 많은 비를 뿌렸다.
A Chinese man used a bulldozer against the rushing current to rescue a family stuck on a roof during the flood in Beijing. Respect! pic.twitter.com/Vz38QblnD2
— People's Daily, China (@PDChina) August 1, 2023
Typhoon #Doksuri restrengthening as it approaches landfall near Quanzhou, China. pic.twitter.com/4uIux0a5N9
— Zoom Earth (@zoom_earth) July 27, 2023
【北京 #河北 持续 #暴雨 红色预警】
— 自由亚洲电台 (@RFA_Chinese) July 31, 2023
【多地山洪暴发汽车被冲走】#北京 市31日发布洪水 #红色预警,#房山 区大石河流域漫水河断面出现红色预警标准洪水,升级发布洪水红色预警。
7月31日,门头沟因暴雨向永定河泄洪,周边主干道路全部临时管控,水深最深处达到0.5米。… pic.twitter.com/d3KeR2FyvB
Beijing used the Zhaitang Reservoir built in 1998 to pre-discharge flood waters on Sun for the first time, before diverting runoff to the reservoir on Monday, maximizing the effect of flood control. pic.twitter.com/DDTZZHKDng
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) August 1, 2023
The death toll from the floods in Beijing has risen to 11, sparking a call from Chinese President Xi Jinping for quick action. pic.twitter.com/nP8TyEGpTf
— South China Morning Post (@SCMPNews) August 1, 2023
Two people were found dead Mondayin a river in Mentougou district, western Beijing, which was hit by a flash flood caused by downpours. There have been 320.8 mm of accumulated rainfall in Mentougou since Saturday night: People's Daily pic.twitter.com/VkvnI0smd3
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 31, 2023
Massive floods due to heavy rains in Beijing, China 🇨🇳
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) July 31, 2023
TELEGRAM JOIN 👉 https://t.co/9cTkji5aZq pic.twitter.com/h8gJ8qo5fJ
#Beijing Daxing International Airport, which was officially put into operation on Sep 25, 2019 turned into a large-scale water plant today. All flights cancelled.#CCP #China #Chinanews pic.twitter.com/qAcjGjTvWQ
— Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 (@jenniferzeng97) July 31, 2023
Beijing Express warehouse converted into a reservoir.#Chinanews #Beijing #洪水 #台风 #杜苏芮 #暴雨 #china #Doksuri #flooding #storm #TyphoonDoksuri #rain pic.twitter.com/XMR9dHERGJ
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 1, 2023
베이징 익스프레스 택배사 물류창고가 홍수로 침수되어 택배상자들이 떠내려가고 있다.
In #Fangshan, Beijing, the express delivery area after heavy rain and flash flood.#Chinanews #Beijing #洪水 #台风 #杜苏芮 #暴雨 #Typhoon #china #Doksuri #flooding #TyphoonDoksuri #rain pic.twitter.com/0bd3pUJyln
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) August 1, 2023
Reports say this is Fujian in flood hit #China
— Earth42morrow (@Earth42morrow) July 31, 2023
Streets flooded, Vehicles submerged. Multiple unverified videos online, reports of casualties too as #Doksuri dumps torrential rains and a second storm approaches that is Khanun, the 6th typhoon projected to hit China this year… pic.twitter.com/JvW2AX61gD
— 全部入り速報 | みんなの知りたい最新情報を全部入りby rosu (@i3fSzkgtzNMxgLG) July 31, 2023
それは、常に暴政と天意を結びつけて考えるからだ。。。#中国暴雨 #紫禁城 #浸水 pic.twitter.com/IYKcpt1Cbw
베이징의 대표적 관광지인 6백 년 역사의 자금성이 침수되었다
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